Saturday, July 23, 2011

Can I have children overseas, not pay child support, and claim them on my W2 form?

I am a US citizen and I am studying overseas. I want to impregnate random women overseas, but not in the US because the US makes you pay child support. Also, I want to have lots of children so that when I get back to the US I can get a huge tax break. According to US tax returns, will this plan work?

Based on the answers given for the origin of right and wrong by atheistic logic?

It's all about definitions. What makes something right? What makes something wrong? All defined by us. And just because something gets labeled as right or wrong doesn't change what it is, doesn't change how it affects people.

Is it ever okay to torture another human being?

Yes, it is okay. The thing is that sometimes the ends justify the means, and although I hate to say it there are occasions when torture is justifiable. That being said, these occasions very rarely occur and torture is implemented far too often in today's day and age (Exhibit A: Guantanamo Bay).

Was there ever interracial sex with slaves and owner's wives/daughters?

This is a serious question and I always wonder about that. I know it's true that the owners impregnated female slaves to sell more babies......but.....has there ever been a case where a male slave secretly had intimate relationships with the owner's daughter or wife? I know you see stuff like this in movies, but did that ever happened in real life in the 1800's? I'm not being racist or trying to start trouble, so please don't take my question the wrong way. This is something I wanted to know.

Another 'when is it okay to hit' question?

There is a lot of debate here about who should be allowed to hit who, so here's another scenario: guys, a girl starts punching your girlfriend in the face. She's clearly much better at fighting and is kicking your poor GF's ***. Is it okay to hit the attacker?

Am I in the wrong here?

Buddy, can you ever pick them. You are NOT in the wrong. It was you condom to fill with whatever you wanted. I seriously cannot believe this actually happen. She is nuts...

Is the influence of doomsday in Americanized versions of Christian religious nonsense a symptom of capitalism?

What is the underlying principle of capitalism? That's right, ethics and accountability are of lesser importance than profit. Doomsday predictions are very unethical because people have a weakness for them like they have a weakness for high fat, high sugar and low nutrient fast-food. Doomsday predictions also have a negative effect on people's lives like bad food. Just about every Americanized religion has doomsday elements somewhere in its pile of nonsense and junk dogma. Mormons have it, JWs have it, Adventists have it, Pentecostals have it; they all use doomsday manipulations to scare their sheep and make them hand over more money to their greedy, self-serving shepherd. Do doomsday predictions represent the callous nature of religion and capitalism?