Saturday, July 23, 2011

Is the influence of doomsday in Americanized versions of Christian religious nonsense a symptom of capitalism?

What is the underlying principle of capitalism? That's right, ethics and accountability are of lesser importance than profit. Doomsday predictions are very unethical because people have a weakness for them like they have a weakness for high fat, high sugar and low nutrient fast-food. Doomsday predictions also have a negative effect on people's lives like bad food. Just about every Americanized religion has doomsday elements somewhere in its pile of nonsense and junk dogma. Mormons have it, JWs have it, Adventists have it, Pentecostals have it; they all use doomsday manipulations to scare their sheep and make them hand over more money to their greedy, self-serving shepherd. Do doomsday predictions represent the callous nature of religion and capitalism?

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