Thursday, July 21, 2011

What percentage of Jehovahs W doctrine do its members believe is true now?

Since obviously JWs have had a high percentage of false teachings as evidenced by the fact that they have changed many of them. And as they admit the light is getting brighter, when exactly did they switch from being a false religion and become a true religion? In the early days their percentage of truth must not have been very different from any other church out there. Maybe 40 or 50%. Then the light got brighter. So now maybe are they up to 75% with more changes to come soon? What is the cut off where a false religion is the Filthy Whore of Revelation riding on the back of the Devil's Wild Beast drunk, versus the true, one and only true relgion. If other religions match the percentage of truth by JWs will there be room at the top for another true religion? What if another religion overtakes JWs in percentage of truth? Will that make JWs a filthy drunken whore riding on the Devil's back, as they consider all YOUR religions to be?

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