Thursday, July 14, 2011

Many times I have had dreams about Devil/Satan/Lucifer?

Ok first I should say that my first dream I ever had of any type of demon was when I was a child and to this day I remember every last detail about it. I was in the bathroom seating next to the bathtub and my aunt was seating on the toilet with a a strange book in her hands that had various types of demons. I don't know why but she did. The shower curtain was drawn and I sat my sunglasses down on the edge when they fell in. I reached in to grab them and a demon my aunt had just shown me that melts your skin appeared and grabbed my arm. I screamed and woke up but ever since I've had many different dreams where I was being chased by Satan/Lucifer and he keeps trying to rape me. Talking about baring his child, saying that I was the one. He has appeared in many different forms before me in my dreams always trying to seduce me, trying to bed me and when all else fails trying to force me to be with him. I don't know why but I always know its him and it terrifies me. In every dream I've had he always claims I'm the one and that only he can impregnate me which really scares me more because I can not have children without the proper medication. I also have a strange birthmark that isn't common located on my body.

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