Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I am wondering if there is a way to get my felony residential burglaries from 11 years ago dismissed?

I live in California. I have contacted my local Public Defenders office and they say I do not qualify. There MUST be some way I can get these off my record so I can seek more gainful employment and restore my broken marriage. My wife is insistent that the crimes are off my record though she knew about them before we were married; I was given false information years ago by my public defender that the process would not be hard to get them expunged, in which I passed that information on to her when we were still dating. Though the best case scenario would be that the love my wife had for would be so great that something like this wouldn't matter, unfortunately thats not the case right now and I KNOW God brought us together and I am tryng to make sense out of all this and I have to believe that there is some way to make these felony's disappear. Though I pray that God softens her heart and something like this won't matter, I still have to try whatever I can and exhaust all my resources. I am off probation, I only served county jail time, I have paid all my restitution and I have not not been convicted of anything since. These crimes were strikeable offenses and I did receive strikes (you cant strike out on 1 case). I have a 17 year suspended sentence. There has to be something I can do, no matter how bad my chances may seem, to get these off my record. I was looking at 20-35 years in prison and by the grace of God alone, I only served county time. There has to be something that california law, some exemption, some loophole or special circumstance? Joining the Army Reserve perhaps? Really I am open to all suggestions. From what I understand, the 2 most common dismissals, though I'm not sure of the penal codes, the public defends office says I do not qualify for. Thanks in advance.

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