Saturday, July 23, 2011

Can I have children overseas, not pay child support, and claim them on my W2 form?

I am a US citizen and I am studying overseas. I want to impregnate random women overseas, but not in the US because the US makes you pay child support. Also, I want to have lots of children so that when I get back to the US I can get a huge tax break. According to US tax returns, will this plan work?

Based on the answers given for the origin of right and wrong by atheistic logic?

It's all about definitions. What makes something right? What makes something wrong? All defined by us. And just because something gets labeled as right or wrong doesn't change what it is, doesn't change how it affects people.

Is it ever okay to torture another human being?

Yes, it is okay. The thing is that sometimes the ends justify the means, and although I hate to say it there are occasions when torture is justifiable. That being said, these occasions very rarely occur and torture is implemented far too often in today's day and age (Exhibit A: Guantanamo Bay).

Was there ever interracial sex with slaves and owner's wives/daughters?

This is a serious question and I always wonder about that. I know it's true that the owners impregnated female slaves to sell more babies......but.....has there ever been a case where a male slave secretly had intimate relationships with the owner's daughter or wife? I know you see stuff like this in movies, but did that ever happened in real life in the 1800's? I'm not being racist or trying to start trouble, so please don't take my question the wrong way. This is something I wanted to know.

Another 'when is it okay to hit' question?

There is a lot of debate here about who should be allowed to hit who, so here's another scenario: guys, a girl starts punching your girlfriend in the face. She's clearly much better at fighting and is kicking your poor GF's ***. Is it okay to hit the attacker?

Am I in the wrong here?

Buddy, can you ever pick them. You are NOT in the wrong. It was you condom to fill with whatever you wanted. I seriously cannot believe this actually happen. She is nuts...

Is the influence of doomsday in Americanized versions of Christian religious nonsense a symptom of capitalism?

What is the underlying principle of capitalism? That's right, ethics and accountability are of lesser importance than profit. Doomsday predictions are very unethical because people have a weakness for them like they have a weakness for high fat, high sugar and low nutrient fast-food. Doomsday predictions also have a negative effect on people's lives like bad food. Just about every Americanized religion has doomsday elements somewhere in its pile of nonsense and junk dogma. Mormons have it, JWs have it, Adventists have it, Pentecostals have it; they all use doomsday manipulations to scare their sheep and make them hand over more money to their greedy, self-serving shepherd. Do doomsday predictions represent the callous nature of religion and capitalism?

Is this not correct? Tell me why or why not?

The biggest problem with that is that He didn't create original sin. He didn't make anyone disobey Him. But yes, He DID pay the price FOR you. The stuff in between is oversimplified, which, while not entirely wrong, misses the point.

What is the chance that i'm pregnant?

Not sure why you say you're a "terrible person". But, yes it's possible. Why don't you drive to walmart and get home test. Pee on the stick and see what happens. Then you will know for sure and can quit worrying about it. Then, if you can't get to your regular doctor ASAP and get some birth control pills, call another Dr or planned parenthood or something and get some properly take them so you don't have to worry about these things anymore... and let him pump away.

I have a question for vampire mythology fans. No young kids allowed.?

In the Buffy/Angel mythology specifically, vampires do have blood of their own (which is important, because in the "Buffyverse," in order for a vampire to "sire" another, they need to feed the victim some of their own blood). They don't have a working heart, so how the blood is transported down "there" is not readily explained (other than, for the amount of intimate relations the Buffy/Angel kind of vampires have, it obviously gets there SOMEhow). As far as the baby thing is concerned, in that specific case, a whole lotta magic and prophecy and whatnot was involved, because in that specific "universe" it's -supposed- to be impossible for a vampire to procreate via the "usual method" (i.e., sex).

What's the name of this song from Grey's Anatomy?

I didn't really catch the words clearly but I know the scenario, The interns were racing for some kind of prize,then when they finished the race I remember Izzie being there and the Chief,they started asking them questions about a diagnosis i think,Lexie won,but as they were running in the hallway i think the lyrics were kinda like -,,Poleka,poleka,ooh,anjoleka,joleka"-th… song was singed by a girl and in the middle of the song there was a rap,it had a really nice cool hip-hop beat too, PLEASE ANSWER IF U KNOW WHATS THE NAME OF THE SONG!!

Do you think I am a bad ferret?

Ferrets are weird. Are you a ferret? How do ferrets type? I'm confused. I didn't think ferrets spoke English. Why can't I talk to ferrets then?!?!?!?

All good things must come to an end. The powerhouse that was Liverpool football club is no more ?

liverpool was never a powerhouse in recent times, the only time they were a powerhouse was with rafa benitez when they had a chance to win premier league but blew it and finished second

Jehovah's Witnesses: why is your religions founder CT Russel buried at the Greater Pittsburgh Masonic Center?

You appear to asked an inconvenient question to the Jehovah's Witnesses,, judging by their responses.

What is the point of wanting to "shoot" when boys/men ejaculate?

This seems to be gaining popularity, probably due to porn and maybe more popular with the younger crowd, maybe not wanting to finish in a condom or because they want to pull out.. but it's not pleasurable really for the woman and it might even increase the chances of impregnating her if you aren't using a condom.. and not to mention you could put and eye out with it.. so why is it such a big deal?? I can understand wanting to stop n start over and over to have super strong orgasm, and the shooting resulting from that but just shooting to be shooting?? please enlighten me :) Why the fascination?

Be completely honest here....?

Do you use this account or possibly another one for trolling at all? Not point gaming, rather putting pointless, stupid, or made up scenarios (which may or may not be a sarcastic address to a real problem). I'll admit it, I troll with questions here (though I still give honest answers), and have a separate real account. Does anyone else do this?

I need an answer from a Jehovah Witness! especially someone under 30! help?

I have a close Jehovah Witness friend and we hang out a lot. I'm not a JW but i grew up with him. i do some bible study with him just for the heck of it. We have a lot of mutual friends who are not JWs. I don't get why he doesn't want to hang out with his non JWs friends. Since I'm too embarrassed to ask him that question, i'm really hoping a JW can answer this question who are in the same position. We have this mutual friend who is a little crazy. He's calling him out because he's always making up excuses. I really feel bad for my JWs friend because our mutual friend are talking about him saying that he never goes out with us. Straight to the point! are all JWs like this? Do they make excuses all the time? Why don't JWs don't go out with non JWs? I also want to know, what are good excuses for him not to go? so i can help him make stuff up.

Would the average woman feel a bit strange?

Hmm. Little bit! I would think it was odd! And yeah the invited woman might get jealous, depends how pretty your house mate is and what kind of relationship you had with the girl coming over!

Jehovah’s Witnesses: Have you meditated in prayer on the possibility of dropping out of college?

Jehovah’s Witnesses are taught to believe that they do not need a college education in order to get a good job and have a stable retirement. They are taught to believe that a high school degree is quite sufficient for a solidly middle-class standard of living. For some, things have worked out the way they expected. But as you point out, for most JWs, a high school degree simply doesn’t cut it when it comes to getting a stable career that will put food on the table for the kids. Actually, this anti-education attitude leads to high levels of consumer debt among them (credit cards, car payments, and so on).

Mormons about to do a mission in Spain...?

Mormons are at a low number for missionaries and mission areas are being closed down all over the place. It's possible that there are no more missionaries where you live.

Why would JWs continue going door to door when they are not welcome?

They really don't seem to get the hint. Honestly, one time of someone throwing urine on me would give me a strong hint.

A female's perspective..?

I think she's just using you..or now that she's starting to establish a career and will be financially alright..she wants you to be in her life and maybe later on you two would be back together..or she really meant what she said that she wants to remain in touch with you..

What if a facehugger implanted a Na'vi.?

Imagine a blue 15ft Alien, Imagine a colony of them.. Wow this got me thinking! Dude isn't James Cameron awesome?

How do I set up ARMA 2 so vehicles respawn with AI?

I'm trying to set up an ARMA2 multiplayer scenario with an air battle full of AI aircraft on both sides. I can make the aircraft respawn when they die- but when the aircraft are destroyed, they respawn without AI inside, making them rather useless for fighting. Is there a way to rig it so the AI respawns inside?

Orange tree baby oranges falling off?

What's your weather been like, and what's your spraying schedule been? Sounds like one or the other, or maybe both

Should I tell a friend her husband is seeing another woman?

That really puts you in a tough situation. If you don't tell her, and she finds out you knew it may not go over to well. Then if you do tell her, she may think its you he is doing it with. I would just be straight forward and honest, and just tell her you have something to tell her. Good luck

I'm going to conduct an event called scenario handling. Pls suggest some scenarios.?

A minimum of 8 and a maximum of 10 participants will be there. Its for a corporate company. So decent scenarios are required.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Has anyone seen an earlyscreening of friends with benefits. ?

I am talking about the Justin timberlake movie with mila kunis and is Justin timberlake naked in it and how many times does his butt show and why and what are the naked scenarios like how many times is he naked in it.

Jehovah’s Witnesses and Seventh-Day Adventists, can you help?

You are doing very well! I commend you on what you have found. Yes the soul dies (Ezekiel 18:4). And we are the soul (Genesis 2:7). As for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all (Ecclesiastes 9:5,10). They do not get resurrected to a place of torment. They are simply in our minds as being bad forever. That is done after the thousand year reign. When death is done away with (Revelation 20:7-15). If you have anymore questions, just give me a holler.

Which show can i watch ?

Looks you are really a TV enthusiast,so am I.What you have watched are all good shows I think.Besides,I would recommend you Underbelly,OZ,Mad Men,Gilmore Girls ect.How do you think,you may love them after you watch.

College football eligibility questions?

As soon as you enroll as a full-time student at any sports affiliated college, your clock starts and you have 5 years to play 4 years of football anywhere. Most D1, D2&D3 schools recruit from JC's that play in the state championships. You have to be a big time baller to get D1 scholly...Fight On!

Am I the only person out there who has never had JW or Mormon come to my door?

honestly, it in part depends on where you live. If you live in militatry housing on base, for example, you will NEVER have a mormon missionary knock on your door. Trust me on that one. I was one. If your house is along a freeway or in the country, you will not likely get a mormon knocking on your door, too. Plus, there are other types of temporary housing that mormon missionaries avoid because by the time we knock on your door and you express interest, you have moved on. Maybe thats it. Maybe you also have a schedule that just doesn't jive with the time we come a'knocking.

Question about ex-UPCI people?

My experience has been the same... UPCI people deny the Trinity and are proud of it. They are guilty of perpetrating other false doctrines as well.. You are corrrect to put them in the same category as JW and LDS. They are a cult.

JW's and Watchtower publications?

The JW's are conditioned to believe that their organisation is the only true faith, they cannot support their views using just the Bible so they have to use the magazines and other approved publications for support. I believe the Mormons have a similar thing going on.They are both dangerous cults.

JWs, what do you think of the woman who sued over the Santa hat?

If I understand the story correctly, the lady took a job wrapping gifts during the Christmas season then sued the company because she had to wear the Christmas themed uniform. Seems to me she purposely placed herself in that situation to "feel" discriminated against so she could sue.

Are Jehovah's Witnesses more aggressive about converting other people into their religion than Mormons?

I have more JWs knocking at my door despite the fact that I told them I'm not interested. Take note it's the same JWs knocking at my door. It's like they didn't understand the words, "I'm not interested". Unlike the Mormons, after I told them I'm not interested they never came back.

Jehovah Witnesses what is the deal with the 144k?

So many questions that you need answered. It's a bit like a jig-saw puzzle where the pieces don't fit in. Why don't you study the bible with J.W. free of charge and get all your questions truthfully answered from the bible then you will get the complete picture .I did 42yrs ago and I am so glad I did.

Birth control as contraceptive?

Hello, I have recently stopped taking my birth control because I felt that I may have been taking it incorrectly. I stopped when my active pills were done and had my menstrual that ended this Saturday or Sunday. This morning I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend when I remembered I was not on birth control any longer. We stopped and he did not ejaculate, but I am wondering if his pre-*** could impregnate me? Also, I took my roommate's birth control at 7AM right after intercourse and again at 7PM, the brand is Gildess FE 1/20. I was thinking it would work the same as an emergency contraceptive, am I wrong? -Danielle

Jehovah's Witnesses, Do you believe that Jesus was raised Physically from the Dead or recreated?

Absolutely I believe in the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ. Not just spiritual. Over 500 people saw Him after the resurrection and the tomb was empty. No body. The tomb was guarded by Roman soldiers and would never have allowed anyone near to steal the body.

What can I do about my car's transmission?

it sound like when it overheated it burnt the transmission fluid. you might get by if you change the transmission fluid and filter. the overheating could been from a stuck thermostat.

Reoccurring dream with a creepy old lady?

Spirits do come within our dreams to communicate, and or use pictures to tell a story, communicating something, you have to ascertain what it means to you since it's your dream these spirit that came to you. Perhaps the old lady is a ghost on the job site that's angry because you don't pay her no attention. And your Aunt came to help you to understand, and black stands for death......I do believe and see some type of meaning and communication in this dream. Think about it some, and the answer will eventually come to you.

Where do you think Jehovah's Witnesses are wrong? Don't be zealous read below as well?

Jehovah's Witnesses are often wrong in their interpretations of certain parts of the Bible, most notably Revelation. Revelation was NEVER intended to be taken literally- it was written in a code to avoid having the book confiscated by Roman authorities. Since numerology was fairly big at the time, it was easy to use certain numbers to describe concepts rather than literally meaning that number. I could come up with more specifics, but that would take me more time and research.

Will i know if im pregnant if i get my period or not right after i have sex?

my friend had sex the day before and the day she got her she got her period later at the end of that day, and he came on her close to that area but she doesnt think any *** went in but isnt positive. if she was pregnant, would she not have gotten her period when she was suppose to later that day, ? or would she still get her period if she was pregnant just because her period is so close to the time she got impregnated?

Jews, how do you feel about JWs and their name?

i mean you call him YHWH getting rid of all the vowels but they say it right aloud. and they also dont utter the word "god" cuz apparently it's a heathen name

JWs: Opinions of Harold Camping?

What would you think of him if his prediction turns out to be wrong? Do you think he'll get new light? What if he says Christ came invisibly? Isn't it ok if he makes this false prediction, though? It just makes people keep awake and alert more, doesn't it?

Help coming up with a title for a short story?

Try using a quote from one of your characters that is appropriate to the story line. In one of my stories the main character was told to 'tread very carefully' and that became the title. I'm sure your characters would have said something that you could use. Good luck with your search.

JWs, arent you embarrassed by Romans 11:36 and Heb 2:10?

It uses "through" (NWT: "by" Greek: DIA) in reference to God (specifically the Father). Doesn't that make Jesus the creator?

Do all Christian churches condemn masturbation?

I believe the argument is based on Onan who refused to fully impregnate his brother's widow as was tradition instead spilling his seed on the ground. Some interpret this as a sin against masturbation others as not fulfilling his duty to his dead brother. Are there some Christian churches who take the latter line and do not see masturbation as a sin or at least not due to this reasoning?

If you were forced to work in a chocolate factory for life YET you were forced to be deprived of it for life,.?

I don't care much for chocolate so I could do that. I just wouldn't want to work in any kind of factory--I've done it. Men don't act overtly sexual with women because it's a turn off. Women want relationships. Since all it sounds like you want is sex I think you should get a prostitute.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

If god says adultery is wrong, and sex before marriage is wrong, how comes men have evolved to be promiscuous?

because as human we are half animal and spiritual, our animal part wants to be promiscuous but our spiritual part wants us to be pure, hence our struggle in our human lives. To grow spiritually we need to grow our good and spiritual part and shrink our bad or animal part

JWs, does Isaiah 44:24 contradict your view of Jesus and his role in creation?

Namely that Jesus, the "master worker" (Prov. 8:30) mediated Jehovah's creative acts; the text in question reads: “I, Jehovah, am doing everything, stretching out the heavens by myself, laying out the earth. Who was with me? (NWT)

Question for jehovah witness about disfellowship?

I went to the memorial service and I found it really interesting, I never knew about the new earth before. I would like to continue to study with JWs, although I am not sure if I want to become a JWs because of how they disfellowship people. What do people have to do to be kicked out.

I refuse to get my dog fixed, am I making the wrong choice?

Well I'm guessing there is about 2% chance she will die from being spayed. And about 40% chance she may get a cancer or something and die during pregnancy. You choose?

Why does my arm hurt when i play baseball?

So i joined my schools baseball team and we are just practicing right now. First we stretch then do warm up throws and stuff. My arm (elbow area) starts hurting a little bit when we are doing the warm up throws but then when we are batting off the tee and in the cages, my arm starts to hurt a lot!! It goes away after several hours after practice and the next day i feel fine, until i go to practice again. Its the same scenario everyday. Does anybody know why this is happening or what i should do?

Why do Jehovah's Witnesses ignore scientific facts?

The organization of JWs *appears* to be very much in favor of science, but articles about issues that cannot be in harmony with the bible (or worse: with their own teaching) are systematically ignored and thus never referenced. Isn't this just openly deceptive?

Does true love exist?

No most marriages end in divorce friends don't really love each other and even the parent/child "bond" is non existent love is a delusion it is really just infatuation and the man protecting the woman well someone has to impregnate her which is the reason lust exists

Can Sperm go through Briefs and Jeans to get me pregnant?

My boyfriend and I were going to have sex but we realized we didnt have any condoms so we decided to just dry hump. I was naked but he was wearing briefs and jeans. Could his pre-*** have gone through his briefs and jeans to impregnate me? he didnt have any wet spots on his jeans.

Jehovah's Witnesses: did an angel die for our sins?

I keep seeing comments like this from JW critics. Is it true? Or does it just show that some just don't bother to accurately engage JWs' beliefs?

I think i'm growing another Penis??.. (HELPP!!)?

Ok, so a few days ago i was babysitting, and the mom had breast milk stored in the fridge for later. After when she left, the baby was crying, and so i had to feed him. While i was feeding him, he slightly cought up all the breast milk on my face. And when i woke up this morning, a tube shaped had grown in between my eyebrows with testicular shaped balls, and now i don't know what to do, did the breast milk impregnated me, just like sperm? I haven't told anyone yet, i have it covered with a hat all day long today.. I don't know what to do!!!!

Can a buddhist help me understand this issue?

I have found in many different scenarios that the consumption of alcohol and intoxicants as well as the practice of occult wisdom is considered a negative practice in Buddhism. Is this because merely for the distraction element, and if so, shouldn't the mind be able to overcome the chaos?

Could he be attracted to me?

Here is my scenario. I know this guy just as an acquaintance, he is my kitties veterinarian and I only see him every once and a while. Every time I see him he touches me. It's either on the hand, forearm or upper arm sometimes with a squeeze. When I saw him a few months ago he placed both his hands on top of mine and squeezed them, I also just saw him friday and he rubbed my forearm and then squeezed it before I left. Unfortunately I don't see him in a social setting. I'm not so good with the flirting thing and I'm kinda afraid to flirt back (if he is flirting) because I don't want to make a fool of myself. Any other ways I can tell if he could be attracted to me? I don't mind the touching but just wondering if he could be attracted to me. I have friends that go to him and he does NOT touch them. Thanks

What would you do if North Korea invaded the U.S.?

Or whatever country in which you happen to reside. I know it's a ridiculous question, but try to think seriously about what you would do in that scenario. Also, do you think it's a plausible scenario?

How hard is it for Jehovah's Witnesses to say "Hallelujah"?

The jehovah cult utilizes classic mind control techniques to control its adherents. The cult begins by welcoming the target into the cult. It's all smiles and hugs at fist. The cult then forbids the target to associate with anyone that is not also a cult member, including family members. Once the cult has established itself as the target's only support network, the cult threatens expulsion from the group (the jehovah cult calls this disfellowshipping) if you disobey your cult handlers in any way.

Jehovah Witnesses (JWs): Some Questions About Jesus Being God/Divine?

All the angels in heaven in a sense can be considered gods(.Psalms 8:5 )Because they are powerful spirit beings just like their Creator. But the difference is that only Jehovah is the Almighty God. Jesus is called the only-begotten-god in John 1:18

I impregnated a co-worker. How to convince her to abort?

Sorry bud, you can't do either. If she chooses to abort, that is her choice and her choice only. If she keeps it, you are stuck in that babies life till it's 18.

What is going on with my Hermit Crabs? Help!!!?

I woke up this morning and decided to give my hermits some water etc when to my horror I discovered that one of my guys (the smaller of the two) was dead :( I picked its shell up and and saw that he/she was hanging all the way out of the shell and he/she seemed pretty mangled. I examined him/her closer and then realized there was a little baby one behind him in his shell! So was my little hermit killed by some little baby invader? Now there is a bigger hermit crab in there and these two would sometime fight. I doubt that the bigger hermit impregnated the smaller ones shell so as to have the smaller one be eaten out of its shell. I am super confused. I guess the silver lining is that I have a brand new baby hermit crab in place of the one that was tore from this cruel world so callously. please someone...Help me understand this phenomenon

Why do JWs seem to think all people are out to get them?

When you ask about their religion they get so defensive and accuse you of talking about them all the time. I talk about buy-bull fundamentalists way more than I talk about JWs because I encounter buy-bull fundamentalists more often than I encounter JWs. What's the deal with JWs victim complex? Now I'm tempted to taunt them like I taunt buy-bull fundamentalists. But I think it will offend their fragile egos beyond recovery.

Any Jehovahs witnesses here?

Am one of Jws myself, still believe, but not really practicing the faith anymore....any help would be appreciated thank you.

Atheists and Christians : What do you think about this?

I do that all the time, each time it cost them gas to come up here, been doing it for 2 years, some Churches have figured it out, others have not.

Should I pay the seller extra money to return their goods to me?

Agree with the first poster - It is not the sellers fault you did not claim the package in time. The seller did their part - and if the package is of any value they are taking a huge risk not requiring you to sign for the package. Why should the seller have to spend more of their money?

What percentage of Jehovahs W doctrine do its members believe is true now?

Since obviously JWs have had a high percentage of false teachings as evidenced by the fact that they have changed many of them. And as they admit the light is getting brighter, when exactly did they switch from being a false religion and become a true religion? In the early days their percentage of truth must not have been very different from any other church out there. Maybe 40 or 50%. Then the light got brighter. So now maybe are they up to 75% with more changes to come soon? What is the cut off where a false religion is the Filthy Whore of Revelation riding on the back of the Devil's Wild Beast drunk, versus the true, one and only true relgion. If other religions match the percentage of truth by JWs will there be room at the top for another true religion? What if another religion overtakes JWs in percentage of truth? Will that make JWs a filthy drunken whore riding on the Devil's back, as they consider all YOUR religions to be?

Is it possible to self-review Calculus I within a month?

Yes easily... there's not much in calculus I.. plus the first part of a calculus 2 class is usually a review of calculus 1..

Jehovah Witnesses, Honest Question?

we are not the judge, that is up to Jehovah God. remember Jehovah is very forgiving. I was not brought up in the truth. and I am only a witness 21 years next month. you should sit in with your daughter on the studies and go back to the meetings. you would make Jehovah's heart glad. to the one who said Jehovah Witnesses do not go to college, there are many that do go. we have doctors, lawyers, nurses and teachers.

Why do so many Christians cling to Paul's writings on homosexcuality?

The primary reason Christians demonize gay folks is Paul's writings. However, Paul never used the term homosexuality. He used the term arsenokoites, which at the time refered to Temple Prostitution, a pagan ritual where a woman was impregnated within the temple of a god with the male acting as a conduit of that god to pass on the power of the divine. There was a whole other word for homosexuality at that time, Androkoites, and Paul did not use that term at all. In fact, even long after Paul had passed away arsenokoites still did not mean homosexuality, it came to mean prostitution, incest, or rape. In fact the Christian Writings of John the IV of Constantinople writes of "men hwho commit arsenokoitia with their wives...' Can't be gay with your wife, unless of course that means the wife is actually just another man taking on the role of wife, in which case, two gay people are married. Even later it came to mean exploitative pederasty. It was not until much, much later that it came to mean homosexuality. So, knowing all this, why do Christians swear up and down that the writings of Paul prohibit homosexuality?

Creepy person on craigslist wants my boyfriend to impregnate her?

Why are you on craigslist in the first place. Do you really expect to find anything but a bunch of creepy people on there?? You're not really bright are you.

How do you make your husband accountable after learning he cheated and impregnated another woman?

The only way to make him accountable is to force him to face the consequences of what he's done, i.e. divorce. If you stay with a cheater, you are teaching him that there are no consequences for his actions, that cheating on you is ok, and that your feelings don't matter. Your so-called husband isn't sorry he cheated, he is sorry he got busted. He will keep cheating.

Is it ever okay to torture other human beings?

I don't think it is ever okay to torture another human being, because it is extremely cruel and inhumane. However, sometimes it is necessary to do so, but only as a last resort.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Does anyone actually think Michele Bachmann could be president?

I know there are a lot of crazy people out there who eat up what she is dishing out, but is there any realistic scenario where she is could actually be in a debate with Obama?

Inability to Urinate!!! HELP!?

Hey, I'm a 17-year-old female, and I have been having a HUGE problem that has persisted for over a year now-- chronic urinary retention (or repetitive inability to pee). It started when I was 16. I had driven to a soccer tournament and REALLY had to pee in the car... except when I got to the tournament, I wasn't able to go. Nothing I could do could help me pee, I couldn't even get a couple drops out. I played the next soccer game and tried not to think about it, but the pain in my bladder became so extreme that my dad rushed me to the hospital. I was catheterized, and tested for UTI, but all the tests came back negative. They simply gave me antibiotics, and sent me on my way. I thought the problem was fixed-- I was able to pee just fine for about a week-- but then one day, when I REALLY had to go again, I absolutely couldn't. I sat on the toilet for hours, and was finally able to get it out, bit by bit. This same scenario has repeated tons of times-- I have to pee, I can't, and I have to sit on the toilet until I can go-- and now these episodes are becoming more and more frequent. :(. The strange thing was, is that I had started taking Yaz birth control about the time that these episodes began, so thinking that that was the problem, I went off the pill... But nothing changed. To help myself pee, I've tried ice, warm baths, running faucet, etc., and nothing really seems to work. I just have to wait excruciating hours until I can pee again. But recently, two months ago, I was on vacation and was faced with another retention episode. I thought this would be just like the others, and diminish after a few hours, but it didn't. It became so painful, that I had to go to the infirmary and get catheterized AGAIN. By this point, my parents and I were freaking out. About a month ago, we saw a urologist. He gave me a prescription for Vesicare-- a drug that lessens the feel of needing to pee, but that hasn't helped at all. I still pee about every half hour of the day, if not more, and the episodes haven't quit. He gave me a cystocopy (a procedure that analyzes the anatomical make-up of your bladder, to check for physical problems), but THAT turned up negative, too. Suffice to say, this defect is RUINING MY LIFE. I'm afraid to leave home and go on car trips of vacations, because I'm afraid that I'll be faced with another retention episode and won't be able to go. It's painful, and I really don't know what to do. Is anyone dealing with a similar problem, or is there a professional, that can give me some legitimate advice?? I'm running out of options, and since I've had this problem for over a year now (and with it getting progressively worse) I feel that my bladder may be facing permanent damage. PLEASE HELP!!

Do you think that Mormons leave me alone because I don't have anything they want?

I think the Mormons have more Common Sense not trying to push their beliefs into your mind, the other groups are obviously wasting their time knocking at your door so often.

JWs: Should I fix his computer?

I work with a JW and he says he does not go into Salvation Army stores because he does not want to support their religion in any form. He doesn't know much about computers and he asked me if I would look at his computer and fix it if I could/would. Now, if I do fix his computer would I be supporting his religion knowing he uses his computer for religious purposes? (Of course I am going to fix his computer without charge even though I strongly disagree with his religion.) Thanks.

Could you take the DNA from a fertilized egg and replace it with new DNA?

If a women was impregnated by a male, could you use the DNA of another male(lets say...obtained from a hair follicle?) and replace the original with the new DNA?

What would you do in this scenario? You're a new graduate and this may be your only current opportunity to...?

Recent graduate with a BA in a certain field. I have a current job, which is not exactly utilizing the skills obtained through degree program. The company I work for uses a third party company for human resources needs. A new company which offers these services is setting up shop in our town and is soliciting us for business. I am to provide them with the needed documentation to provide us a quote for their services. Thing is- this company is the exact company I have had my eye on, wishing they had an office around me because it is perfect for my degree which I just finished last week. I have been searching high and low to find contact information for someone at this new office, which was supposed to open in early July but is now projecting to open August 1st due to delays, and I now have contact information for the individual who is soliciting the company I currently work for, for our business. Is it wrong to contact her to ask her if they are seeking personnel to staff their new office when it opens? If they are seeking personnel, it is the perfect opportunity for me, as a new graduate. What would you do? Do you think it is wrong to contact her (on my own time of course) to ask her?

Ebay: Buying question?

What happens if i end up buying a very expensive product like gold on eBay, and than it turns out to be fake? Will I get my money back? Is there any scenario in which I won`t get my money back?

How can bella be pregnant from edward if hes dead?

I don't understand how its possible that bella from the twilight saga gets pregnant with edwards baby if hes a vampire and hes dead? Like woudlnt his sperm be dead too? How would he impregnate her? Im confused.

Has the Bible and the Watchtower ever disagreed?


Why is it so hard to give away my old toys?

Like I almost feel like they're old friends or something. Maybe it's because me and my friends used to kind of roleplay and always chose the same toy out of every set. So maybe I feel like giving away the knight my best friend always used to play with is like giving away our friendship? I don't know why I have so much trouble with this, I mean should I give them all away, or should I keep one of my friends who died in 2nd grade's favorites? I'm just lost, and confused on what to do with these. It's not like old office supplies or something worthless that I'm hording, I think I should give them away, but I kind of want a memento to the great times I had as a kid with my friends. Any suggestions on how to deal with this whole scenario?

Will Camping's followers say what SDAs and JWs so often say, "What? We never said the world was ending!"?

I know that that sounds incredible but both Seventh Day Adventists and Jehovah's Witnesses backtracked after their prophecies failed and will claim with a straight face that they never EVER made such predictions. (Indeed, newer members of those organizations have no memory of those predictions so it is very easy for them to deny them. Nobody is going to tell them the truth and they aren't likely to read any history books on the subject.) So will Harold Camping's followers do likewise?

Would the sincere pleaz stand up? misconceptions about jws?

It's an American scam religion invented by a greedy lawyer. They use doomsday scare tactics to scare people into joining, then use cult tactics to get them to stay and brainwash their children into it. It's a truly vile cult and the zombie members should be shown no mercy, no mercy at all.

Anatomy/ Physiology HELP!! (muscle/joint movements)?

Use your book. I've taken this class - the best way to learn is to draw everything and label it as you draw - the best way. In fact i had to answer nearly this exact question. ha ha it was years ago. So sorry i am not answering it again. I had to study to answer it.

Why do Creationist's always talk about Atheism like its a fairy tale?

Why do Creationist talk about evolution and the big bang like they are mythical fairy tales when science has proved them? I mean I just saw someone call it a mythical sneeze and the universe was born, maybe that's the only terms their creationist heads can take because they are used to how the bible reads? Why are they so ignorant? I could call the same about Christianity that's its the story of a Zombie that's his own father that makes rib people, and impregnates random women. I mean I chose not to tell them that, but why do they say that about my beliefs? What about the love everyone stuff they were taught in church? I follow rules similar to that and I have no faith at all, why can't they?

Can one use high wattage fluorescent tube lamps with low wattage ballasts?

It sounds fine. Think of the situation in this manner. If you have a low watt buld and a high watt ballast, your bulb will burn with the required brightness, but will burn out faster due to the higer watt ballast. If you switch the two and go with a low watt ballast, and a high watt bulb, you will still produce light from your high watt bulb, it just may not be as bright as its potential but it will last longer and not burn out as quickly. This is how it was explained to me. You say the lighting is fine, i say you are fine

What would happen if USA and China went to war..?

Lets say for some reason these two countries went to war with no other countries lending a hand to either side not even food. What are some ways it will turn out with a full blown war not just a few missiles be thrown here and there. Technology vs man power with the war taking place on both lands not just in one country. How much damage would be done, could either nation survive. Please give a few scenarios not just "this country will kick that countries ***".

Reoccuring dream with creepy old lady?

each dream mean something.. i don't know.. but i use a site called "Saysadream" for my dreams and gives answer .. hope it helps u. I help other to know means and other help me :)

Christians, how can it Not Hurt?

Jesus chose Mary for His mother from all eternity as part of God’s plan for our salvation. God could have sent His Son any way He chose. He chose to go through Mary to come to us. If Mary is good enough for God to go through to get closer to us, then she is good enough for us to go through to get closer to Him. When we honor her, we do as Jesus did when He followed the fourth commandment and honored His mother. If God is our Father and Jesus is our Brother, then only Mary could complete the family as our Mother.

How do I get my best friend back?

It is better for you to improve yourselves and forget the past. Future is beautiful, you will know sikhs are not horrible people but loving. +++

Will a slingbox work in this scenario?

My job requires me to work on Saturdays, but I can be on the internet. I was thinking of buying a slingbox so that I could watch college football while at work(we don't have tv). Would that work? If I hook something up to my tv at home and will it project to my computer or iPod touch? If so, is the video and sound quality pretty good and what brands do you recommend? Also, how difficult is set up?

Mormon vs Jehovah Witness?

I saw some Mormon missionaries knocking on doors soon some JWs came. What would happen if they crossed paths. Perhaps a deadliest warrior episode could be made over it. Who would win?

What would you think? If you prayed to God for spiritual guidance before you went to sleep...?

What if it was or IS the opposite..... I pray for guidance and knowledge every night, and it has been YEARS sense any one has knocked on my door.... I get all I need straight from the source or from other unexpected sources..... You would be surprised from where God sends you what you need..... : ) .. it even can come from UNbelievers..... go in peace... God bless

What is the word for this description called?

When you have a strong desire to be with a certain person like a magnetic force is pulling you towards them.. when they are near you its like you can tell what they are thinking and vise versa..and telepathy works between the two of you.. is there a word for this..I know its sounds very Harry Potterish and all that but I'm not kidding about this its not a scenario its actually happened I just want to know if theres an actual term..thanks in advance.

Why do Christians still believe in the virgin birth?

The Christian idea of a virgin birth is derived from the verse in Isaiah 7:14 describing an "alma" as giving birth. The word "alma" has always meant a young woman, but Christian theologians came centuries later and translated it as "virgin." This accords Jesus' birth with the first century pagan idea of mortals being impregnated by gods. Almost all Bible scholars know that this is a mistranslation, and there is even footnotes on some bibles correcting this mistranslation.

Have Jehovahs Ws heard the new light on the blood doctrine?

If true,it will be so gratifying that the GB has changed this legalistic blood doctrine. With Jesus Christ directing the "Faithful and Discreet Slave", it is a really great thing that only 250,000 were asked by Jesus to die for their loyalty to the organization. They have proven their loyalty, and Jesus only tricked a few of them, considering how many lived through the fear of dying during surgery, and the trauma of dealing with hospital staff that tried to scare the **** out of that Jesus has told them to change the laws, Maybe He will tell them true prophesies too!, because only 2 million left in 1975 when they showed total disloyalty to Him and the Governing Body when they ran like cowards because they only joined to be saved from the 1975 tribulation...Jesus knows how to root them out! He will trick us with more stuff, so make SURE you obey everything the Faithful Slave tells you...cause it could be another "testing-Trick" from our Lord!! Stay AWAKE!.

Disturbing Trend in Pakistan: Christian Girls Raped, Forced to Convert to Islam?

This is nothing new. Nor does the middle East have a monopoly on this sort of behaviour. Hamas has been in Central and South America for years; recruiting poor natives and terrorizing Catholic girls on their way to school. Including raping them in an effort to conform them to Islam.

Jehovah’s Witnesses: Seeing as how the light is always getting brighter with the “faithful slave” in Brooklyn?

Why do you say that prediction was based on Russell’s measurements of a pyramid in Gaza instead of the Bible?

My dog is only 7 months old and might be pregnant?

I think Nacho might have impregnated her while she was in her heat, which started about 4 weeks ago. What is going to happen if she is pregnant for real? Will it kill her? She's just a baby! She's a papi-pom... Or will the babies just be retarded or something? I DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THIS SO PLEASE TAKE ME SERIOUSLY! She is the first girl dog I've had so I had to read up on what I do know, and the dogs aren't supposed to be bred until they are three, or have had their third heat? I can't remember. Help???

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Is my son in trouble?!?

My son and his girlfriend had intercourse not too long ago, she is 15 and my son recently turned 16. He, rather worredly, confronted me about the possible that she is pregnant. Since my son was newly 16 when he (possibly) impregnated his 15 year old girlfriend, if they went to a abortion clinic, would he be prosecuted or in trouble in any way?

Is it me or is god a Pedophile?

People are physically maturing faster but mentally maturing slower now. Assuming the legend is true, Mary would have been mentally capable of making adult decisions. Keep in mind that people didn't live very long back them so the biological clock for having children was ticking at younger age.

Is Europa Universalis Chronicles good?

Steam has Europa Universalis 3 Chronicles on sale for $7.50 and I was curious if it was any good. I've tried the demo, but it only allows you to play a few countries and has only two scenarios. It seems like a good game judging by the reviews I've read, but I just want to have a few more opinions under my belt before I decide to buy it or not.

Jehovah's Witnesses please, other answerers also welcome I would appreciate a far better understanding?

I would like a clearer understanding of God's Day of Wrath. This was brought up in another question and after much study, wanted other JWs points of view,please?

We have rats. How do we get rid of the rats?

Ok, so here is the scenario... We have a chicken coop. And beside of this chicken coop is a really, really big field. Well, apparently rats lived in the field and they decided that our chicken coop was a much better home. So now there are DOZENS if not HUNDREDS of rats that swarm out at night and eat the chicken...stuff....We need the rats gone WITHOUT hurting the chickens. And with out leaving a bunch of carcasses laying all over the place for our dogs to eat...and get random diseases and die....Can anyone help us? It's really gross and I just do not do rats....I can deal with many rodents but NOT rats....

Can a Jehovah's Witness list here a false prophet, along with their false prophecy?

Since JWs say they are NOT a false prophet and have nbever made a false prophecy, if they are right, then what must one do to make a false prophecy> How do you do it and who has done it? When did they do it, and how is it different from what JWs have done hundreds of times over?

I walked out on my daughter when she was born. In hindsight, did I do the right thing as a man?

you messed up at the very beginning. you should make things right for her. imagine what a terrible life she had, growing up with a drug addict for a mother and no dad to support her. she must have been made fun of at school. she could of always dreamed that she could have supportive parents. but she never got that. and that was building up inside of her, turning all good emotions and feelings into rage, unappreciative attitudes. all this affected her in the worst way. if her father would have been there, she could've been different. better. you should fix things.

Does any of this sound familiar?

Why don't you take a deep look into Egyptian mythology?, you might find it interesting, there's a lot you will find familiar there as well. Yes.

I need a legal advice on custody issues over a child in the Philippines. Any help?

Right now, your mom would have a stronger claim, but only by a small margin. If she threatened the child's mother and never obtained legal custody, then the child's mom had a very good case to. Yes-she could get her daughter back.

My 22 years old daughter got herself impregnated by a 64 years old loser. I don't know what to do.?

As horrible as it may sound, I urge her to get an abortion before its too late. She didn't listen and called me a murderer. The man who did that to her has left as soon as he learned the news. He said he couldn't possibly be a father at his age and blablabla. My daughter doesn't realize that she can't take care of a baby and that it's not my responsibility to do so for her. I know she count on me to take care of the baby, but I won't because I'm passed this age and I have other responsibilities in my life. I thought about calling social services, but I'm not sure if it's too soon. HELP!

Gay people : what if you're not really gay?

Alright!! You say that we want to "disturb nature" we don't want to disturb nature. We can't help being gay, or lesbian, or bi. Hell, I don't even think you can help being trangender. Now, here's a little experiment for you, I want you to TRY to be erotically stimulated by the same sex. TRY to enjoy sexual activities with the same sex. TRY to be in a commited relationship with the same sex. You can't turn gay overnight. You don't wake up one morning and say oh i'm going to like women for the rest of my life, i'm gay. No No No!! Did you choose to be staright? Of course not it came naturally. Well if you didn't get to choose to be straight,then why do you think we chose to be gay? And, you say being gay is wrong and God will judge us. Will god judge me for loving or you for hating. And if you want to get even deeper into religion, God loves us all. Please keep your negative comments to yourself. I respect your opinion, but please don't publicly bash us until you fully understand us. Each of us has a different story, and if you knew some of the hell we go through, you wouldn't be sitting there typing that. I, am a gay teen and I go through hell each and every day at school, I come to this section for guidance and freedom and yet I see THIS? Again, I respect your opinion, but please keep your thoughts to yourself.

JWs, how touched are you, that the Lord Jesus emptied Himself for YOU?

Of course he emptied himself. When you die, you crap yourself. He probably didn't pee on Himself because he was clearly dehydrated. I wonder if there's a relic out there like The Holy Bowel Movement. Several monasteries and cathedrals claim to have the Holy Foreskin.

How did Holy Spirit impregnate Virgin Mary? What was the process involved in that?

God has power to create anything from nothing (ex-nihilo), and sometimes he will create something from something else (ex: Eve from Adam's rib). The fact that God was able to do this should not seem puzzling for someone who believes that God created the universe or God was able to put His presence in the ark of the covenant.

When the tribulation strikes the world how will you react? ( unless your a jehovahs witness)?

When it starts the world will be in turmoil. we have been coming to your doors for over 100 years with this warning. The door closes at the start of the tribulation to become a jw, so pretty much your dead. Then they will turn on gods people i.e jws and then we can defend ourselves by any means god says.

Jehovahs Witnesses - Whats going on at the moment?

April is the month of Jesus Memorial night, this falls on Sunday 17th. We have at the moment a WORLD WIDE campaign to do with this most important night.

Global warming and solar brightening?

My friend George Monbiot will be delighted I'm sure to receive your question. The Guardian newspaper is on the web, he writes for them

Why are JWs such a target????

well Jesus did say we will be objects of hatred, and also many people think we are annoying and irritating knocking on their doors. I just wish people will open their hearts and stop hating knowledge they have to understand that this preaching work is essential and vital, all where trying to do is get people to come to a accurate knowledge of truth and see that the things they are being taught by theses religions leaders are false.

My fellow non-Jehovah's Witnesses, do you consider it an honour when JWs block us?!?

Also, have you ever encountered a JW honest enough to admit her beliefs were just that - beliefs - instead of dishonestly misrepresenting them as "the truth"?

Good running shoes for Haglund's Deformity?

I can't tell you exactly when it started appear, but i have developed the world famous bump near my heal/achilles. Trust me, i know it is Haglund's deformity. First off: I would like someone to clarify that this scenario makes sense: I believe that my Haglund's bump has caused my foot to land on the outside during runs, which therefore caused severe pain on the outside/bottom of my foot close to the heal. The pain is gone, however, my right foot (the effected foot) still tends to land on the outside. Of course i do not want to have to go through the pain again, so is there a running shoe that is good for haglund's bump, which would therefore cause my right foot to land normally again? Thanks

Is this girl just leading me?

I dated this girl for like 3 weeks, things ended because she found out things i did in my past she didnt like. I stopped talking to her for a bit, she began to act and text me like she did when we once dated, then she broke the news to me that she "likes me but cant date me" so i stopped talking to her all together, but still received and responded to her goodnights. One night, i texted her goodnight, and she said im not going to bed, stay up and talk to me. Since then, we've been flirting alot, and discussing scenarios about what were going to do when we hang out. Shes really flirty, and when i last asked her to hang out, she told me to pick what we want to do, and seemed willing to hangout. I asked her the other night if she wanted to hangout thursday or friday, and she said "Maybeeeee" shes been known to play guys, but admitted to me that she really likes me and that she "Misses me more then i miss her" i texted her today and she replied, then i asked her what her plans for this beautiful day was? and she didnt respond... Is she leading me on? HELP!

Question for Christians?

My parents didn't teach me about God as they never went to church. God showed me he is real by other ways and he has been there through everything and he is the only one you can count on. If my parents told me that story, the real story would have made it to me. The story of God's Love.

What should I do about my marine wife..?

Well to make it a long story short, while my wife was deployed in the marines, I cheated on her with her best friend and impregnated her too( I have been dating her friend for three years now, I have been married to my wife for four, we married at 18 so i could get her benefits from the military). Now I really have no way to support this child and the woman said she was going to keep it. I have never had a job because my wife had been supporting me but recently when she came back from her tour she caught her best friend and me in bed. She launched herself at her and in attempt to defend the love of my life I had to hit her to protect my girlfriend. We are all young, we are all 22 so really my wife still has time to find another person. One day though I came back from a date with her friend and she attempted suicide. I was against her enlistment in the marines, I never really have supported war like she has. I think her suicide may have something to do with that fact the she may have killed some and now feels guilty for the horrible thing that she has done. I really do feel sorry for what she has done but frankly I just really wish I can move on with my life and marry her friend. She is a burden on me and my girlfriend. Is there any place where I can dump her off, it needs to be cheap because she does not make a lot of money and she only has 12,000 dollars in the bank. Which I am taking 11,000 of to help pay for a down payment on a house that I am buying with her friend to start our family. What can I do to make this easier on my girlfriend she seems to be under a lot of stress because of my selfish wife, she just won't stop bothering her all. At night we can hear her crying all yelling and my girlfriend is PREGNANT. She needs rest but my wife is acting like a baby. Please help

Missed period? not pregnant?

so basically i havent had a period since February or March. ive skipped periods before by drastic amounts of time like this but it worries me because I fooled around with a guy. he never came, and my underwear was still on but he did push into me a little (and i am a virgin). but i would think that its highly unlikely that he could have impregnated me that way. I've also been super stressed and worried about things and have been working on shows for these few months too (extra stress). thoughts? I was thinking going to a doctor and getting on birth control would help with regulating? unlikely im pregnant, right?

Monday, July 18, 2011

What would the advantages be of a single worldwide economy?

If the trades in the world are free,it is called the first best. It will be a win-win situation,and the world as a whole. The gain from trade will be maximized with efficiency.But if it cannot be done that far, a trading block will yield a second best.It is because of trade creation will be more than trade diversion as stated in the economic integration theory.The Doha round if it can be concluded will stimulate the free world trade,including agriculture. But bilateral agreements will also help.

To the Libertarians and Republicans that want to abolish public education?

No they wan't public schools to be completely controlled by local governments. This is the method that Britain uses and their education is much better.

When it comes to an affair, how come the wife or girlfriend always blames the "other woman"?

That's how the mind of a woman works. I don't undersatnd it either. Must be some genetic thing that says "I need to attack my rivals".

How do I get someone to stop stealing from me?

You seem to know some of the things she has stolen, the wedding ring and necklaces, report those as stolen to the police, then at least you have a solid example of her thievery

Should we all be more accepting of the gender stereotypes, because they have scientific basis?

why not must seem to know that there is a thing called individuality that puts us all against the grain.

Trying to size a header what can I do?

I have a house that is 28 feet deep (about) it's a cape cod with a somewhat finished attic. The floor joists for the attic (or cieling joist for the main floor) are spaced 16" o.c. and are 2x8's. Obviously the 2x8's don't run the whole width of the house with out hitting a support wall. However there is a stairwell to the upstairs and the 2x8's run from the outside wall to the stair well wall(10ft or so), which is built in Face Framed 2x4 including the top plate and the 2x8's rest on the face framed 2x4 wall (not nailed to doubled up 2x8's like in normal framing). I would like to open up the stairwell and header up the whole stair well wall. So one beam would hold all these floor joists over an 8 ft span. This is in wisconsin so assume snow load and maybe 40psf since it will be a living area above I guess. It looks like if I'm reading the span table right that I'm going to need 3-2x12? Is this correct or can I get away with 2-2x10? Worst case scenario I can put one colom in the center If I need to. And yes all the supports have been worked out in the basement area to compensate.

Can Jehovah's Witnesses Be Authors?

Yes you can as long as the topic and content are suitable and unoffensive. I know of a JW who is a author as a profession They are also upstanding in their congregation.

Is the Bible complete or should we wait for "new light"?

There has not been one correct prophecy from the Jehovah's Witnesses yet. So, they have to keep changing things when they do not come true.

How can I do a home abortian procedure using household materials?

I have recently become impregnated and I do not wish to continue the pregnancy, I've heard of using a coat hanger, but I can only afford plastic coat hangers. Help me out?

Seventh-Day Adventists: Do you believe Jesus was Michael the archangel, or is that just Jehovah's Witnesses?

So, I heard someone say that the Seventh-Day Adventists believe Jesus was Michael the archangel. I am pretty sure that is only a belief of the Jehovah's Witnesses, because I have never heard a single SDA say they believe this. I think it's likely the person just got SDAs and JWs mixed up, but I just wanted to ask for sure.

Jehovahs Witnesses - Are the JWs who die?

The last service i know of, just a few weeks ago, a 13 yr old boy who was refusing blood as he had been taught was said to be held in the highest regard by God, loved and cherished for his dedication to Jehovah Gods commandments on the sanctity of blood. Yes, he was a martyr giving an example for many to follow....fortunately the sane don't see it that way and we will live on....

Why are women so subservient, submissive and downtrodden in eastern cultures?

I'm originally from Bangladesh, a small country in South Asia. Actually, my parents are from there. I was born in Italy. But my roots are from there. I went there a month ago to see my sick granddad. And I am sickened by how the men their treat their women. They treat them like cattle and property. It is a highly patriarchal society. The women cook, clean and look after the children and don't work. 99% of women there are traditional housewives who bow down to their husbands and kiss their feet. My mom however, is a doctor. She is one of the very few women who work. But she still cooks, cleans, looks after my little brother and works. My dad is unemployed at the moment. He doesn't do anything. He just eats, sleeps and goes to the toilet. He occasionally helps my mom. And my parents live in Australia, which is a western society. Sometimes, I wish I could teach my dad a MAJOR lesson. But how? I honestly don't understand how my mom could bear all this. My dad is not that bossy unlike the other Bangladeshi men. He does listen to my mom and he DOES what my mom tells him to do. But he just has a know it all attitude that annoys me. Well, anyway this isn't about my family. It's about my auntie and other women who go through the pain. My auntie is among the 1% who go to work in Bangladesh. She told me her everyday scenario from first thing in the morning is waking up, making breakfast for husband and then apparently getting scolded and getting divorce threats from her husband for making a crap breakfast, then going to work in a crammed bus, and then taking bs from sexist boss. She told me her boss teases and makes fun of her for working because she is a female. Then, after a long & tiring day at work she goes home again to be yelled at by her husband. Her husband accuses her of coming home so late! WTF!!! This is SO messed up! I mean her husband eats FREE, doesn't help around the house at ALL, doesn't work and yet he yells at her for working late so that HE gets his daily bread! And my auntie is actually a housewife. She has to work because her husband either can't find a job or is TOO lazy to work! And the rest of the 99% of women don't even get the chance to work because if they work they APPARENTLY will become DISOBEDIENT to their husbands and fathers and become too smart. They stay home and lick their husbands feet and tolerate their BS. The average Bangladeshi woman is dependent on their male relatives their whole entire life, from birth till death. From birth till maturity she is dependent upon her father. After that she is married off & is therefore is dependent upon her husband. And when her husband is old and retires she is dependent upon her son (if she has one). In marriages, the girl has to go live in her husband's parents house where she serves her husband & in laws, especially her mother and father in law. After that she is pressured by husband & in-laws to give birth to a son. I have seen guys go as far as divorcing their wives and marrying new ones because their ex wives have failed to give birth to a son. The women have no say in public matters and society related issues. They are are usually told to shut up because they "don't know anything". I am horribly disgusted with this disgusting attitude towards women and relieved at the same time because I am lucky enough to not be in their shoes. I want to know why these women are so subjugated and oppressed. I really don't understand. Thank u to people who have decided to read my long and rather boring rant! It really feels good to let out all of that frustration!

Do Jehovah’s Witnesses have anything in common with the Pharisees? Have they made Jehovah a petty God?

No, the Bible has principles that apply to all things in life. Humans cannot trust their God given conscious to make godly decisions because humans are ungodly by nature of being imperfect and sinful. God is a God of peace and order. His laws and principles, when followed, keep peace and order. 1Corinthians 14:33

Question to JWs about blood transfusion?

If for whatever reason you were given a blood transfusion without anyone knowing you were JW, are the rites or rituals you do to correct it, or does god acknowledge it wasn't your fault and just forgive it?

Is Schwarzenegger one of the reasons California has more illegals than any other state?

It's not all his fault, but he is part of the problem. The people and the politicians share the blame. The people keep voting in the same old politicians over and over again, despite the fact that these politicians put the desire for power before the good of the state. The politicians pander to illegals because it ensures that they get the Hispanic vote, and most of them could never win an election without them. After many years of this greed, the state is now caught in a catch-22. Pandering has caused a drastic rise in illegals (from many countries), and as a result, enforcing the immigration laws will surely lose the election for them.

Jehovah’s Witnesses: Do you have a prophet to help you, warn of spiritual dangers, & declare things to come?

It is because of people like you the Christian congregation turned apostate. You can spew whatever bile you wish but your words won't work on me. I have nothing further to say to you...

JWs & Friends: How do you feel about the Memorial attack on our BULGARIAN brothers?

We must get ready for what is to come. We need to get closer to Jehovah everyday. I feel sorry for my Brothers that had to go through all of this hateful attacks.But I also admire there peaceful respond. They were real brave in not fighting back. When the time comes I pray to God I can do the same.

Is it possible to impregnate someone through anal sex?

About 6 weeks ago, I had anal sex with a girl I met at a work party. I made it a point not to have vaginal intercourse with her because I didn't have a condom (I know, I opened myself to the risks of transmittable diseases). Anyway, she approached me today saying that some of my sperm migrated from her anus into her vagina. Is that possible? And besides, wouldn't that be her fault? I shouldn't be liable for this child, right?

Is it acceptable to have children when you have no income or education?

The marriage thing I dont agree with you on. I dont think you should have to be married to have children. But I agree that someone without a proper education or means of income shouldn't have children if they cant provide and nurture there child(ren). but i think its a persons choice and its there life and its up to them. people should really start considering all there options (adoption, abortion, parenthood) before they decide to bring a life into the world.

To everyone except Jehovah'sWitnesses: How do you feel when we eat a piece of birthdate cake but not celebrate?

I haven't had a slice of my own birthday cake, in years. Personally, I find no real purpose for celebrating birthdays. But, the governing body absolutely controls their followers, and that is unconscionable.

Is it possible to believe?

Is it possible to believe that the Creator of the universe would personally impregnate a Palestinian virgin in order to facilitate getting his Son into the world as a man?

Research in IT : about SEO of a website?

maybe publish research article is a good idea, exclude you may try to use google adsense, which is also useful way.

Christian, how much do your beliefs match the beliefs of the greater Christian community?

Personally I am a strong Biblicist. The Greater Christian Community, as you call it, (we normally call it Christendom) varies but overall either adds to or takes away from the literal bible teachings. Eg Pope being infallible, Pentecostals following many teachings that the Bible does not support (Slaying in Spirit, healing, tongues) Liberals adding intellectual assessment, and the list goes on. For me, if it isn't clearly taught in plain language int he Bible I don't want it.

Pregnancy symptoms or irrational thoughts?

Well, the mind is a very powerful thing. You obviously are stressed out and so therefore everything will seem magnified. Firstly, why didn't you go to the GP or the free clinic (called the GUM clinic in Scotland) to get a morning after pill? Secondly, you can't take a pregnancy test until it's been at least a week past when your period was due to start, and some are even longer than that. You can also get a pregnancy test at the clinic and at the GP, I believe, as long as you are 16 you can go by yourself without parental consent. Other than that, there is not much advise to give you. Anytime you have sexual intercourse without protection, whether or not the guy ejaculates inside you or not, you increase your chances of getting pregnant. You can't change the past, you can only learn from it. From now on, use birth control. You can also contact the NHS helpline, and use their web page for help too.

Bible fundamentalists said they're the real deal Christians, but JWs said the same thing! Now what?

Is there a way to measure their authenticity? Or is it just a matter of opinion based on the ambiguity of the bible?

I often hear JWs say they are 'in the truth' what do they mean by this?

Only the Lord Jesus is the way, the TRUTH and the life. They cannot possibly be in this ONE because of the way they lower Him and make Him a common ' god', and not acknowledge Him as the Fullness of the Godhead bodily, or the One in whom all the Fullness was pleased to dwell. Are they in the Truth? Do they even know HOW to be in the Truth? Hardly. They do not even know what it means to " be in Christ'

Girls what do u do in this scenario?

just imagine u r going in company bus guy came and sit opposite to you..he is below avergage looking.not that smart and all..but the journey is more than one hour. he works for your same company..but dont know him personally.u dont have earphone to listen music or book to read.and u feel its a nice guy( like if u allow him to talk also he will not take advantage later) . In this sitivation will u give him a chance to start a conversation with you ..or will not give any chance for him to talk to you. In my case she was just browsing thru phone and either look outside window or closed the eyes..dint given a single chance for me to start a conversation..what you girls think

Why are ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses so vocal about their opposition to the Watchtower organization?

I'm an ex-Mormon and I'm pretty vocal about it. I don't try to be rude about it, but I make sure that my thoughts are known on the subject when it's appropriate.

Which Abrahamic religion has the harshest version of hell?

Christianity and Islam basically have the same concept of Hell- a burning lake of fire. Judaism don't have a Hell or Heaven. They believe in Olam' Haba which is simply just an afterlife. You are rewarded for the good things you have done and not punished for the bad things you have done.

In the Sims 2, my sim is a gay guy...?

He has many loves, all of them are guys. So I have this new roommate, a girl, and my sim fell in love with her. I want my sim to impregnate his roommate, but the "Try for baby" option isn't coming up when they're in bed or other places they can have woohoo. Can't a gay guy try for baby? Or is it because they're roommates? They're even engaged! Help me?

Does this story sound good? Feedback Please!?

I think you should not make them vampires like humanity ending not vampires and when you say 10 years say 10 horrifying or deathful years

Filipinos watching Shake Rattle & Roll?

In the movie, Shake, Rattle & Roll 11(?) there was an episode where the teenagers went to camp in a forest, I know all of them died from the Lamang Lupa, besides Shiela, how did Shiela escape from the Lamang Lupa? Did the male Lamang Lupa impregnate her? How? Why?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

How to ask a waiter/waitress if the restaurant is full?

Imagine I were in a restaurant, when I enter, I notice there are so many people dining there so I am not sure if there are some seats/tables available for me. How should I say to a waiter/waitress in this scenario? Can I just ask "Is there any tables available?"

Birth control as Emergency contraceptive?

Hello, I have recently stopped taking my birth control because I felt that I may have been taking it incorrectly. I stopped when my active pills were done and had my menstrual that ended this Saturday or Sunday. This morning I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend when I remembered I was not on birth control any longer. We stopped and he did not ejaculate, but I am wondering if his pre-*** could impregnate me? Also, I took my roommate's birth control at 7AM right after intercourse and again at 7PM, the brand is Gildess FE 1/20. I was thinking it would work the same as an emergency contraceptive, am I wrong? -Danielle

Dont christians realize their story of a god impregnating a human is not new and it was around before jesus?

there are religions that have long held beliefs that beings or gods if you will come down in ships and impregnate people here on earth long before jesus ever came along- the zuni and do-gon and early chinese just to name a few.

Is there such thing as bad sperm?

Okay i know there no such thing as bad sperm if it already impregnated a women but I've been with two different girls and the first one had two miscarriages on me and now my current girlfriend has had a miscarriage and is currently pregnant at the moment. If this pregnancy doesn't go through I'm going to be really devastated. So my question is, am i the problem here? I have an athletic build, I don't smoke, i do drink occasionally. I don't do drugs and I'm 27 years old.

Which common excu7se for false prophecy does this jehovah W use?

It's bad that instead of your diatribe, just say the usual and common excuse..subject to the coming of new lights .

Ramadan: Have you read some of the 'debunks'?

Akhi I'm glad you got through that, but just think, before those miracles were known, people still had to believe in Islam, because the fundamental belief of Tauhid is so powerful that it mandates all of mankind to accept it without compulsion of course.

Why are JW critics so bent on discrediting the NWT, when JWs use other translations?

I'm a JW critic who could care less which "version" of the Bible you use. Jehovah's Witnesses are an authoritarian and oppressive religion that teach doctrine that leads to the deaths of vulnerable and helpless children. That alone tells me that you don't worship a loving and caring deity.

Is 'Street Fighting Uncaged' any good?

i noticed you don't have any answers yet so i will try my best to help. i havnt heard of this street fighting thing but i do know alot about taekwondo, mma, karate, and juijitsue. i highly recommend checking out different schools near you and studying how they work. watch how they teach and what they teach, because your very right you cannot just limit your self to only kicks or only hand to hand combat if you want the advantage in a fight. you have to be prepared for ANY situation at ANY given time. i know alot of taekwondo places focus on kicks but in my school we do alot of punching and hand techniques. just remember that all schools are different so dont judge a style of martial arts just by watching a school or two. GOOD LUCK!!

When is it right for a Jehovah Witness man to have an affair and destroy others but gets reinstated asap?

They are not followers of Christ. They use their organisation to further their own aims rather than the aims of Jesus Christ our Lord. "By their fruits you shall know them" Matt 7:20

Could the JWs tell me where the doctrine of a Trinity originated and when?

They deny the Trinitarian God, because the word "Trinity" cannot be found in the Bible. This is correct. However, if you have an open mind, the Bible is full of evidence that God is Triune in nature. They misinterpret the Scripture that "Jesus is the first born of all creation". Christ existed before all things. Col. 1:17

Jehovah's Witness, what separates JWs and Christians doctrinally?

Christians believe mostly in grace through faith. The Assemblies of God believe in works but they are an exception to most Christian dogma. Ephesians 2:8&9 I don't know how God can put it any planner. Other scriptures have been quoted to contradict this teaching but I believe with a little study they can be debunked.

Jehovahs Witnesses and[other] Christians?

Jesus is the One and Only "Real" Lamb of God!! =) He literally DIED for us on that horrible cross. Was sacrificed once and for all for all mankind's sins. Yep, I'd say He was a real lamb and not a symbolic one!

Can a father prevent abortion if the impregnated woman wants to abort?

My cousin got a girl pregnant. The girl told him about it, but she wants to abort, and he wants to keep it, and take full custody of the baby. Is there any way he can prevent her from aborting, is there anything legally that he can do to stop her? (he lives in massachussets )

Masturbation Question?

Hey Guys, quick question for you all. Obviously I am 18 and I masturbate (shocker), but here is the thing. Since I got older, once a day isn't cutting it now and I want to go 2-3 times a day sometimes, I just cannot resist. There are times I need to just go at it to calm me down and everything is good again! haha Anyways, I have this feeling that I must take a shower after jacking off. I know not showering obviously won't impregnate people from my penis touching the toilet and stuff, but is it unsanitary? Other guys, do you jack and go and skip the shower after or is it essential too? Like obviously I wipe up and stuff when I finish, but is that gross to not shower after masturbating?

When would my sperm stop becoming fertile when I'm on HRT?

I'm considering going on HRT, but I what to know after how many months will my sperm cease to be able to impregnate a woman. I also want to know how much my penis will decrease in size and in how much per month. Also after how many months will I not be able maintain an erection? I have penis six inches long when it's fully erect. Any help on this is tremendous for me and my gf.

Jehovah's Witnesses, explain to me why something having pagan roots is ALWAYS cause for you to avoid it?

I asked earlier why JWs don't celebrate birthdays and one person said it was something done by pagans. Well, just because a pagan did something doesn't automatically make it anti-Christian. I'm sure some pagans loved puppies, so does it make any sense to hate puppies because of it?

What is the word for this description?

When you have a strong desire to be with a certain person like a magnetic force is pulling you towards them.. when they are near you its like you can tell what they are thinking and vise versa..and telepathy works between the two of you.. is there a word for this..I know its sounds very Harry Potterish and all that but I'm not kidding about this its not a scenario its actually happened I just want to know if theres an actual term..thanks in advance.

How many Jehovah's Witnesses here would accept a transfusion of fractionated blood allowed by Watchtower?

Since JWs base their doctrine of acceptable blood parts for transfusion on an EMT manual and not the Bible or a medical journal, how many JWs here knowing that would take a transfusion of fractionated blood. (Which is whole blood that has been processed by the way.)

Poll: Would you rather have a shorter or lighter period?

Shorten, I jus hate the fact that I have to change my tampon every few hours and it jus gets annoying knowing your on your period

In what likely situation would a guy want to be in a relationship again after a break-up?

the second one guys get jeoulouse easily if he sees you have having fun he'll want you back think about you see your boyfriend having fun without you would you get jeolouse ?

All - What is a polite yet effective way to get rid of JWs?

Just politely tell them to put you down as a do not work home, or put no trespassing signs up and we will walk right pass your home. And just so you know if they had a meeting that night-you would've been more than welcome to attend however; Jehovah is not trying to keep no one who doesn't want to be kept. We do our work out of love for God and neighbor, and we are looking for person's who want to hear God's word.

According to Christianity if ur raped and impregnated......?

That's the problem being a nominal Christian only- claiming to be Christian but in fact doesn't even know what Christianity is all about. For your information, there's nothing like that for you to be forced to marry your rapist. If anybody can point anything like it being taught in the Bible, believe it- but I'm afraid you can't find any. Should somebody claiming to be Christian advises you to do the same, would you believe he/she is Christian indeed? Let me define the word "Christian" once and for all- someone who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ- and nowhere can you find those teachings except in the Bible. So if it's not specifically taught in the Bible, please slow down and take a careful scrutiny before believing.

Since Jehovahs Ws believe "feeding" is the same as eating, is my conduit eating when I feed wire through it?

Just trying to be consistent here. Of course to feed blood into a tube is the same as feeding wire into a tube. But it is in no way mastication, which is what JWs believe. Any serious thoughts from JWs welcome.

Fearing independence?

Approach independence with courage. Reward yourself, congratulate yourself for being independent when you are. :)

Question for Jehovah's Witnesses only:?

We are not associating with anyone. We are answering questions and no other communication happens. It is no different than going door to door. We encounter evil people at the doors and also apostates. We are only cautioned about the internet. Not commanded to stop going to the internet. All inventions of man have the possibility of being used for bad. But we still watch TV, use cell phones and iPads. Many Witnesses use Facebook to communicate with friends and relatives we don't see or haven't seen in years. Even elders have facebook accounts.

Poll: In what likely situation would a guy want to be in a relationship again after a break-up?

Try dating your brother. I'm dating my sister and it works out pretty well. We are able to keep in touch 24/7

Would these characters sound like Antisemitic Caricatures?

The main characters you describe do not sound "like" antisemitic cliched caricatures to me but, as you stated, the story revolves around antisemitic or, more broadly, anti-religious themes. I honestly think that many characters in literature and the movies can be seen as somewhat cliched no matter how described and whatever pains the author or screenwriter claims or tries to proclaim differently. Also, struggles between races, religions, and classes were common then as now in England, so I would say just go for it and don't worry about stereotyping, etc. After you finish the first rough draft you can edit out many of the obviously "scurrilous" or unnecessarily "gratuitous" antisemitism and think about how you would give a twist to your character's persona.

Chemistry question...detection of ppm with different dilution scenarios.?

If i dilute something in 100 ml of water and get a certain ppm let us say 100, what would the ppm be if I instead diluted it in 200 ml rather than a 100ml ? what would my ppm me? would it just be half of the ppm that I detected when diluting with a 100 ml? Could I used the C1V1=C2V2?

Are there different colors of semen? Am I sterile?

My semen is kinda clear but the consistency is the same as others I see. (I'm gay, I have experience in this field) (lol) I was wondering if my semen was clear because I was sterile, (I'm 15, pubescent) or if there are just different shades of it. I've seen a lot of bright white semen and makes me self conscious about my own. Just the other day I saw the most adorable baby boy named Jordan and he would giggle and I would poke his belly and wiggle his toes, and it made me think about children of my own (maybe if I'm wealthy in the future I could have a surrogate child) and makes me worry that I cannot impregnate. Little help to put my mind at ease?

Jehovah's Witnesses: Not many of you had a supernatural experience converting you to JW?

I had a supernatural experience converting me to a J.W. But that doesn't mean everyone has to have one. Remember the Ethiopian Eunuch that the disciple Phillip helped to convert to Christianity. He converted after having a clearer understanding of the scriptures. Acts 8:26-39. Personally I believe that those that have a supernatural experience are the ones that are hard-headed like the Apostle Paul and myself.

I recently got two dermal anchors on my right hip, it looks as if the skin is growing over it. What do I do?

I recently got two dermal anchors on my right hip. I have two dermal anchors on my left hip. I had few complications with my left hip. Just the regular swelling and bruising. I have yet to get anything caught on my new anchors. After wearing somewhat "binding" clothes, the top anchor looks as if it has been totally pushed inside my hip. The skin looks like it is growing over it. I do not know what to do. If anyone can answer, that would be great. Short of getting it removed <--worst case scenario.

If other species of human were still around, would we be able to breed with them?

eg what would happen if a Homo sapien (one of us) had intercourse with and impregnated a neanderthal or Homo ergaster or H. ergaster? Would the baby be normal and healthy or deformed? Or would the egg be fertalized in the first place?

Just saw the most disturbing thing ever; home animal euthanasia?

It depends on how he hit it. If he slammed the whole book on the whole rat than ya it felt ALOT of pain. But if he hit the rat with the side on the rats head it was probably killed instantly and its "seizure" was just nerves reacting.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Can a girl get pregnant if the guy is naked but she is wearing underwear? Please Help!?

Just recently me and my girlfriend where getting in the moment, she proceeded to take off my underwear, We continued to dry hump i guess you can say, and finished, I did not ejaculate, but there was some but very small pre ejaculation (I'm not a hundred percent sure if it even got on her underwear, it felt like it didn't) I was wondering can this impregnate a woman? Can pre ejaculating go through a woman's underwear? And how long can sperm survive outside a woman's underwear? Please help!

JWs and others that love the bible: Do you think internet distain for God and the bible it "real"?

I find it hard to believe that people in the real world are walking about with such strong anti-God anti-bible sentiments -- do you think what we read online reflecs the reality or is it just a exaggerated virtual trend?

Why do Jehovahs Ws eat blood in meat?

So JWs will rather die than take a single drop of blood into their veins, but they can pig out on a rare steak and they don't even bother to clean the meat with Kosher methods which remove more blood (though still not all) from the meat. Does anyone else see a huge contradiction here?

I need a bit of help jump starting a relationship?

Im 14 years old going into high school very Intelligent, slight-mid muscle build, white, slightly country, and not that good with socialization.The real point here is about her and that I love her in the fullest so it was the last day of school or so, and I had written an poetic cliche of an love letter and I am pretty sure that she has at least some mutual feelings, and i can see all of these different scenarios but i just don't know any one got some advise?

What is a motile facultative anaerobic barophile?

I'm stuck on one question!!! Say i have a scenario "You have been given a microbe that has been isolated from a rock. Scientists tell you that they think it is a motile facultative anaerobic barophile." How do i explain what this means and how i could test whether the terms can be correctly applied to the microbe?

Do you think that Hillary Clinton had any advise to offer to Weiner's wife after the scandal broke?

She'll continue to pretend to be married and rely on the idiocy of the koolaiders to continue their drooling worship and support.

Is this a scenario where the person was "asking" to get hit/attacked?

Your friend is seriously out of control. She does not have the right to hit another person regardless of the reason. Going to jail might be beneficial.

How can a baby be born of a virgin?

You will have to have sex if you want a baby. How can Christ be born to Mary if Mary didn't have sex with a guy. Please don't say that the holy spirit impregnated her. This is not possible and there is no evidence for it. It is possible that some guy would have given a sleeping drug or made her get drunk and then fornicated with her when she was subconscious or asleep. This is possible. People must have misunderstood that he was born of a virgin as Mary didn't know that she lost her virginity. The virgin birth is also mentioned in some of the gospels. There is also no evidence for the life of Jesus. The only texts that describe Jesus are gospels. Gospels are not history. Gospel writers never met Jesus and had a conversation with him. There are no roman historical records of Jesus Christ. No historical evidence for resurrection either. All of the Bible was written at the council of nicea organized by Emperor Constantine. There is also no record in the Bible what he was doing during his teenage. I think he was probably an awkward teenager and that is why they did not include any of it.

In 1914 were Jehovahs Ws wise virgins awaiting Christ's return, or foolish thinking he came in 1874?

A little know fact among JWs still, after all the history and articles in their own literature. 99% of JWs still think that JWs believed Jesus would return in 1914 IN 1914. Actually JWs were the only ones on earth who were'nt waiting for Jesus like wise virgins in 1914. They thought he cam already in 1874. So doesn't that sound like foolish virgins?

Jehovah's Witnesses: What does it mean to "worship in truth"?

Since you think you already know the answer to that question why are you asking it. You already seem to have your mind made up as to what that means.

I got a problem in sims 2 please check out details here?

i used boolprop testingcheatsenabled true then rightclicked on a sim and pressed spawn and then scenario tester and got a box i got the teenagers press on it and choose "add me to private school"by mistake and now they wont go school again....can someone tell me how to get them back to school?

Do SDA teach that Jesus is really Michael like the JWs teach ?

I have heard they do but really don't know. If true how do they get this? I know that Scripture doesn't even hint of this. In fact it is contrary to Scripture.

Is it ok to give the same treatment to Christians?

"My god can beat up your god" debates have been nothing but trouble over the last 1000+ years.

How can I worry less about my family? I love them so much, my mind thinks of the worst case scenarios.?

Plz no rude comments. I am scared because I have never lost a family member and don't want to go through with that. How can I worry less? Help is greatly appreciated!

Do you think that, when a woman becomes pregnant due to rape, getting an abortion is understandable?

When a woman gets impregnated due to rape, do you think that it is wrong for her to get an abortion? Why or not not?

Plan B? Am I okay to take it?

I am a 15 year old girl. I've been paranoid for less than 48 hours that I may have been impregnated. I say may, because my boyfriend and I were swimming, got undressed around each other. I slipped on wet grass and he laughed, got down, and started kissing me. We were both naked, and for a split second I felt his penis at my entrance. He quickly fixed himself. But for some reason I am horribly paranoid and scared and just want to take a Plan B to be sure. Even though we didn't have intercourse, some say men don't even know they pre-ejaculate, but even he says what I think happened didnt happen. I'm scared. I've never been on birth control or anything, I'm a clean slate. Am I okay to take a Plan, of my sister's, just to calm myself? Will it not work for me? I'm very confused. Help.

I need help finding a movie title?

I only remember bits and pieces, maybe a little of my imagination thrown in. I remember this guy finds a woman and child (possible car crash) and takes them to a hospital. The wife of this man is pregnant and she is home when the hospital calls asking for (can't remember the REAL name so) Mr. Smith. Mrs. Smith says that he isnt home and what do they need. The hospital tells her that his wife is something (i forget the rest)... Anyway the story continues with the wife (Mrs. Smith for arguements sake) believing that Mr. Smith is having an affair. The only way he can prove he isn't the father of the other womans child is by having a DNA test. So he has the DNA tests and the results are negative. However Mr. Smith is told that he has some sort of irregular chromosomes to where he does not have the ability to impregnate a woman. So now going back to Mrs. Smith (who as I mentioned before is pregnant) was hiding this secret all along. Anyhow, I didn't watch the movie the whole way through, and I know I forgot a lot of things, but if someone could please help me I would greatly appreciate it, thank you.

Why is it said that in hell you suffer while you are supposed to be dead(Like JWs say)?

Hell is imaginary one created by realized ones to make fear among the people's mind and follow virtues.

Who is a Christian _?

Anyone who has repented of their sins and been re born by the holy spirit. I don't believe the JW's are christians because they don't believe in the holy spirit as a person, they don't believe Jesus is God, they have written their own bible with the help of a demonic spirit.

Okay so I'm looking for this really creepy and twisted Japanese anime I watched when I was little?

I remember my older brother rented it from the neighbor hood blockbuster and I somehow ended up watching it by myself. It was extremely bloody and violent. The main thing I remember about it is that the a villain was trying to be resurrected and that happened by being given birth in a very blood manner from some princess or noble's daughter. I remember there was like an scene of an insect crawling in her skin trying to impregnate her or some bizarre thing. But when the demon villain vampire thing was born it created like a giant web of blood. That is mainly what I remember from it. I've been searching for what it was for a long time with no luck. So Someone please help me!

Question about giving birth?

This is a very random question: So here's the scenario, a woman is going into labor, she's set for delivery at the hospital, but she has to poop... I mean, what do they do just set a bucket down there? Or would doctor just be like "alright hurry up and go to the bathroom but make sure you don't poop the baby out while your at it" lol. Its a crappy situation, literally...

Interview Question: "Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a significant change in your daily..?

you are right on target. go ahead and tell them you cant think of a time this happened at work, but pull a common personal situation like car breaking down and several appointments. they want to know your approach to problem solving. do you throw your hands up, do you get rattled, or do you draw on supports

How to stop my husbands ex wife's slander?

My husbands ex wife has been making awful statements about him on a social network. They have been apart for 3 years and divorced for 2 and she just can't leave him alone. They have two children together, so there is no way to simply ignore her. She makes statements such as he is a deadbeat father who never wants his kids around, and lately has been making harassing statements about our unborn child and our relationship. She says things such as he will walk out on us and go impregnate a new wife, and that my child will be all messed up because we are his parents. I have her blocked simply so I don't have to look at any messages from her, however she puts this stuff everywhere on different peoples pages so everyone in the world looks at it. Today she did the post that the father is a deadbeat thing because he won't take his kids, while we were in a meeting with his army recruiter trying to better his life and career for them and us. It's not even one of his days, she just wants to go out and can't afford a sitter. This is getting painful, and annoying. Picking on my unborn son has crossed my line. We are getting phone calls from friends about these statements she is making. I can't talk with her, and neither can my husband because she is so out of control and unreasonable, she just posts more afterwards. Oh, also she never uses our names, she hints at who we are ( everyone knows what she means) so I don't think I can get her with slander or defamation of character. Does anyone know if this can be stopped or how???

Why does my arm hurt when i play baseball?

So i joined my schools baseball team and we are just practicing right now. First we stretch then do warm up throws and stuff. My arm (elbow area) starts hurting a little bit when we are doing the warm up throws but then when we are batting off the tee and in the cages, my arm starts to hurt a lot!! It goes away after several hours after practice and the next day i feel fine, until i go to practice again. Its the same scenario everyday. Does anybody know why this is happening or what i should do?

Why is my Boyfriend so Weirded out by this?

One night, we were drinking vodka in a hotel-room and then all of a sudden he and I were like wrestling. And at one point, I was balancing on my hands and knees on his chest and he pushed me to the floor. No one was even close to being hurt, don't worry. But, he had this expression on his face of amused/pleased/turned on, with a smile. And as I ask him who started the wrestling match, he tells me that I'm scaring him away and that it's not true. And that I'm making stuff up. Why is he doing that??? What is so wrong about that scenario? Or is it some sort of secret special thing? PLEASE TELL ME!! Thanks, Emma.

Do Jehovah's Witnesses believe Israel is not really the Israel of the Bible?

You need their version of the Bible to find. They edited it when their cult started. Screwed it all up. Denies the trinity, the divinity of Jesus, and the exampoles you mention above.

Would we be eligible for welfare? Emergency help?

If you draw welfare the state will go after him to force him to pay support for the amount of welfare you are getting.

Why does my husband find me more attractive (10 points)?

my husband and i are 27 have been married for 2 years. last year i was thin and went to the gym a few times a week and my husband and i had a good sex life and cuddled often. now i got a promotion at my job and i have been working more, so i guess i havent been able to work out and started eating more and i guess "let myself go" so i have gained some weight in the past year. so now im chubby. you would think he would be less attracted to me but he seems more into me and its like he cant keep his hands off of me. all he wants to do is cuddle and we have sex WAY more often than when i was thin .when we hug and kiss he likes to grab onto my rolls or love handles. like yesterday when he got back from work (he is a sports writer btw) we hugged and kissed and he put his arms around me and started squeezing and grabbing my fat. at first i felt really uncomfortable with him touching me, but after awile i was ok with it. i do have bigger breasts and a bigger butt now, so maybe thats why he is more attracted to me. i would get it is was chubby before and lost weight and then was more attracted to me, but i dont get it with this scenario. i know im his wife and he will always love me but you can love something and not be attracted to it like after my older sister had her baby she had gained 40 pounds because of her pregnancy and she told me that recently her husband could not even look at her :(. if it helps answer the question he is a big guy and has been oveweight since the day i met him

Are Jehovah Witnesses psychologically stable?

Now, don't get me wrong. I think people have a right to worship as they see fit. But, I overheard a tape by a psychologist who sees a lot of ex-JWs. Wow, what I heard was scary. I won't go into a lot of detail; but, this psychologist almost broke down and cried becase of the mental stress/confusion that some JWs have underwent in their religion.

JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES - What are JWs taught happened in the "Great Apostasy of 1980"?

As has been said, there was nothing particularly noteworthy about that apostasy, other than a member of the Governing Body was involved. Apostasy rears its ugly head from time to time and it's rooted out, just as it was when the apostles ran the show (compare 3 John 9-10).

Friday, July 15, 2011

How to ask a waiter/waitress if the restaurant is full?

Imagine I were in a restaurant, when I enter, I notice there are so many people dining there so I am not sure if there are some seats/tables available for me. How should I say to a waiter/waitress in this scenario? Can I just ask "Is there any tables available?"

Do Jehovahs Ws stake their lives on what some man says "abstain from blood" means?

they feel a blood transfusion is "eating blood," which the Bible says we are not to do. yes, many JWs die rather than get a blood transfusion.

If corporations #1 obligation is to the shareholders why are they in the health care business?

It is the largest private industry in the U.S. and the bottom line is to benefit the stock holders and corporate heads, not provide services to the subscribers. A claim denied is profit in the pocket of the stock holders and corporate heads.

Does the fact that Jehovahs Ws extract their dates from the Bible let them off the hook from being false proph?

If your source is false, your prophecy based on that source is also false, regardless of how closely you conformed to the source material.

We often hear from fundamentalist that atheists hate god & the Bible. But isn't it the other way around?

Us atheists, actually everyone, hate being discriminated. And christian fundies call it "hate" or "discrimination" if they can't discriminate us.

Up to what age can Men impregnate a woman?

Up to whatever age he can still manage to get a woman to consent to positioning herself in such a way as to allow it! :)

Jehovah’s Witnesses: Why do you claim your religion is the only one without bloodguilt?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why Jehovah witness are not True biblical christians?

They changed John 1:1 where it says "and the Word was God" to "and the word was a god" to fit into their cult's belief system.

Why should Christ's birth NOT be celebrated?

JWs believe this, possibly others. But it makes no sense to me. If you're a Christian, isn't it just common sense that you'd celebrate the birth of your savior?

What would you do to diffuse the situation and meet the needs of your job?

The main thing is to stay calm because if you get flustered everyone else will too. I would take care of the crying child first. Get him set up in the health room with a wet cloth on his forehead and call his parents. Next I would ask the parent if he would like to make an appointment to talk with the teacher/principal/counselor (Whoever seems appropriate). Be polite but firm about not engaging in the conversation. I would be answering the phones when possible but I would let it go to voice mail if I had to. I would have the attendance reports finished and available to turn in. Mostly it is about prioritizing and keeping things as calm as possible. In my opinion the people come before the phone and the attendance report should have ben finished and ready to turn in.

Son wants to meet bio-Dad...he doesn't know bio-Dad is a rapist?

Well, what type of relationship do you have with the father? Obviously not romantic or sexual, but are you on good terms, decent terms, or hateful terms? If you're on good terms, then I don't see the harm on him meeting his biological father, although the explanation should wait a bit. However, if you can't stand him, then it probably won't be a healthy situation for your son to be in. Being caught between two spiteful adults that he knows are his parents can cause psychological and confidence issues as he gets older, especially since around puberty is when kids are at their most confused and least confident stage. If you're completely at a loss, I would suggest seeking out a psychologist. Besides giving advice, he/she could also help facilitate the introduction if that's the route you decide to go. Either way, good luck!

I have a problem with my Kingdom Hall. Can any JWs help?

They cannot have the air conditioning on because the roof is too low, LOL Well, I am sure that no matter what you are going through the meetings are informative and wonderful to associate. So, short of turning out the lights and letting the fire-flies in also, you should just deal with it. Sorry I am not feeling understanding today. :)

Why do Jehovah's Witnesses refuse to use the words for baptism given by Jesus Himself?

Jesus instructed all His followers to baptise: "in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit". However, JWs (who claim to strictly follow the Bible) refuse to use those words. This means, of course, that their baptisms are completely invalid and the only meaning they have is to make the recipient a member of the JW organisation. Do new members of the JW cult actually realise this? Are they told by JWs that the baptism they are going to receive is not biblical, does not use the words Jesus gave, and is therefore invalid as a proper baptism? If they are not told this, and they are led to believe they will be properly baptised, surely this is a case of abominable deceit?

Jehovah witnesses, is it true that...?

I befriend many that are not JW. we talk to everyone. many witnesses play sports and they even watch sports on television. we can safe the life of others. the kids do not go straight to the kingdom hall after school. that is a lie. many go to college. we have doctors, nurses, teachers and lawyers and to become one you have to go to college. that is up to each person to decide to go to college or not. we do question the watchtower and the bible if we have a question. Jehovah wants us to question if we do not understand. people know nothing about us and spread lies about us.

Why do i crave sugar?

im not talking about your average, "oh i think i want a candy bar"scenario. i have times where i will eat anything with sugar.any candy or food that is sweet. in my cravings, when i have the acess i will eat several bars or entire bags/ boxes of chocolate. or anything sweet available. when i do not have access to common sweets in the past i have, eaten slices of bread with sugar(white/brown/powdered) on top, or sugar and syrup. eaten sweetened drink mixes.or mixes for making sweet foods, when i didnt have the other ingredients to make the food, i have eaten sweetner packets mixed with chili powder, and at the moment i am eating plain white sugar mixed with syrup. What is causing me to have these cravings for sugar?

You're passing a gorgeous girl in the mall, you're with one friend, what do you say?

This is a hard question, it's very hard to approach a girl you've never met. I feel like it would be the best if you were with people, and she was with people too. Less awkward, and you'd get a better chance at talking with her. Comment on what she's doing, what she's looking at-- and take it away from there!! And also, try not to just go up to her. Walk by her, or get near her. Hope this helps! :)


Every major aspect of the christian mind control cult was taken from the so-called pagans. The virginal birth, the death, the resurrection, and yes even their beloved cross were ALL taken from the pagan cults that predate the christian cult by hundreds, if not thousands, of years.

If 1975 ever was an important year then why do Jehovahs Ws never talk about it anymore?

JWs will say that while 1975 did not bring the end of the world, it would have been the appropriate time for God to act. But since 1975, how many Watchtower articles have been printed on the importance of 1975, versus how many articles were printed BEFORE 1975 or during.

Am I in the wrong here?

As long as the decision is not in the hands of a feminist, no, you're not in the wrong at all; in fact, that is pure insanity!

How do you permanently delete messages in facebook? or at least would this scenario be okay:?

so i talk to guys, a lot before i had a boyfriend and a little bit now but i dont flirt as muchh.. whatever i dont care judge me . anyways so if i just hit the delete message in my archive and my boyfriend checks my messages, would he see all those messages or would it be gone?

Jehovah Witnesses Questions?

Go to a href="" rel="nofollow" That's the official website of the Jehovah's Witnesses. I believe you can get most of your answers somewhere in their official website.

What are Mormons are JWs? Why a new product of Christianity is released every century?

Do these Products of Christianity have their own book? Will they call it a word of God if written by their people? Do they have different Churches?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Michael Oher And Collins Touhy's Chlidhood Sexcapades?

Michael Oher and Collins Touhy (however it's spelled) used to have sex when they were kids growing up, and Michael started living in the Touhy's home. Collins had admitted to her friends when Michael first started attending her school that she was very sexually attracted to him. Her friends, as a joke gag, supported her and etched her on to start having sexual encounters with michael, and so she was extremely happy when she looked up and her parents had brought Michael home to stay with them. Late at night, either she would slip into Michaels covers, or Michael would go to her room, and they would get it on. Rumor has it that Oher got Collins impregnated once, and hr parents secretly took her to have an abortion, and everyone just swept it under the rugs. And rumor has it that they are still very sexually involved even now. When asked, Collins said that from the moment she saw Michael, she knew he was extremely well endowed, and she just could not get past her own sexual lust for his endowment. And even today, when looking back on it, she says with a big smile that her imaginations about how big his endowment was was right on! And she says even today that taking all of his endowment, both orally and the originally, was a very big challenge for her, and a challenge that she really loved meeting. Collins reportedly says now that she is used to it and can handle Michael's manhood very easily. although soetimes when it is at its biggest, it still hurts a little bit. My question is this: What is your input abpout her publically discussing hers and Michael Oher's sexual lust for each other? And also, what is your input on her talking about how much if a challenge it was for her to successfully take and handle every bit of Michael's endowment? I won't even ask any questions about Collins' supposedly pregnancy that she got from Michael Oher, and how the whole family and their friends, made her and encouraged here to get the secret abortion, and how that everyone thatw as involved swept it under the rug all these years. To me, that is just plain wrong to do, so I won't even go there with any questions! But what is your intake on all this and about how Collins and Michael had, and still has, a secret lust affair for each other?